5BR Gds PICKUP Reading-Didcot [DT Dean Goods] - Reading to Didcot Pickup Goods - Visual Shunting rules below
Requires DT GWR Dean Goods Loco and VictoryWorks GWR Large Prairies.
These instructions could be viewed on a phone at www.vpris.co.uk

DT Dean Goods: Reverser Lock [E]: Toggles reverser lock on/off. Lock must be released to operate loco reverser.
Keys CTRL+1 to 4 toggle lamps on the loco, these can be toggled to the tender by pressing H.

Reading Shed
Drive forward out of the shed.
Cross the running lines and stop at 'Reading West Goods Down 1A REVERSE' (beside a line of old sleepers)
Reverse across lines into 'Reading New Down Yard Siding1'

Reading New Down Yard
Couple to wagons in 'Reading New Down Yard Siding1'
(Tab signal) Drive forward to stop clear of the points behind for the adjacent 'Reading New Down Yard Siding2'

Change points behind and reverse into 'Reading New Down Yard Siding2'
Couple the 3 Grey and 2 White Containers behind your train's brakevan (for Scours Lane Warehouse and Cold Store))
Pull forward, change points to reverse into 'Reading New Down Yard Siding3'
Couple the wagons and van to rear of your train. (You are transfering these to Scours Lane Sidings)
Drive forward and onto the Down Goods Line.

Scours Lane Yard
Cross over the main lines and pass through Scours Lane Sidings via 'Scours Lane Siding3'
Stop at 'Scours Lane Yard Entrance REVERSE' clear of the points behind

Reverse into 'Scours Lane Siding4' and uncouple the transfer wagons with their brakevan.
Forward and Stop at 'Scours Lane Yard Entrance REVERSE' again, clear of the points behind.

Scours Lane Cold Store
Reverse towards the Cold Store and Warehouse sidings.
Drop off 2 White insulated containers at the Cold Store and 3 Grey containers at the Warehouse.
Collect empties.

Tilehurst Yard
Forward passed (stuck) signals to stop at Tilehurst Main Down Platform, clear of Tilehurst Yard entrance points behind
Reverse into Yard. Drop off and Collect as per the Visual Shunting 'rules' below.

Forward to stop in Tilehurst Main Down Platform, clear of Tilehurst Yard entrance points behind.
Reverse along 'Tilehurst Down Refuge Siding'
Stop beyond the (stuck) signals and points.
Forward across main lines and on to Down Relief

Cholsey Shed
Drive to 'Cholsey Relief Down Refuge Entrance REVERSE'
Reverse into 'Cholsey Shed 1' and shunt.

Didcot Centre Yard
Pass through the station and right onto 'Didcot West/North Down Branch'.
Stop at 'Didcot Centre Yard REVERSE' clear of the points behind.
This is just beyond a small brick built pumphouse beside the track.

When the points have changed reverse into 'Didcot Centre Yard Siding5 North' and uncouple.
Drive forward to stop opposite the white sheds on the right.

Change the points behind you where a man is standing.
Reverse through the yard the sidings to 'Didcot Shed Entrance REVERSE', stopping between the 2 drums.
The points should change then Drive onto 'Didcot Shed Ash Line 1' to finish.

Visual Shunting 'rules'
Reverse the entire train into the yards. Pickup:
Any GREY Covered Vans, EMPTY Open Wagons or EMPTY Coal Wagons if delivering Coal.

Drop off:
While looking forwards from the brakevan each yard receives:
0 or more Loaded Coal Wagons.
1 or more Loaded Open Wagons
1 or more Covered Vans.

Drop off from the brake van end of the train.
The Covered Vans act as yard markers within the train.

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